Kamiro – The Zar-Rel Legacy

Introducing Kamiro Zar-Rel, the latest addition to my SWTOR character family. I just rolled her yesterday, and she is already a lot of fun to play. She is a Powertech bounty hunter (dps ‘Advanced prototype’ skill) – with a neat striped face marking that is unique to the bounty hunter class.
It took me a little while to settle on a name (as it always does), and I tried a few different facial markings – the bounty hunter class has quite a few neat tattoos/cosmetic options, so it was hard to pick a favourite! I eventually went with this brown striped design, I think it matches her gear well.

The concept for this new character started with her gear – the first time I spotted the Merciless Seeker armour set, I instantly loved it, and I had a spare spot left for a bounty hunter in my line-up – perfect! I tweaked the colour a little with the ‘adept pilot’ dye, but I love the complete set – no swapped pieces here.

I like to set my characters up right from the start, so along with her name, class, and outfit, I also sorted out a weapon, colour crystal, and mount. She is carrying the ‘Balmorran Hand Cannon Besh’ blaster pistol with a ‘Tythian Flame’ colour crystal.

As her armour has an organic feel with bone/teeth details, I wanted her to have a cool creature mount with big teeth to match. While I’m sure I’ll give her a few other cool mounts soon, she is starting out with the ‘Noxious Boma’ mount – I have had it stored away for a while, waiting for the right character, and it’s a great match for Kamiro.

Straight after setting her up, I got right into playing her – heroic missions on Hutta and Dromund Kaas (with Niko Okarr), and the Black Talon flashpoint – she’s level 25 already!
I’m really happy with Kamiro, and can’t wait to get a better feel for her skill tree, play style, and combat rotations. Time to get playing!