LFL 50th Anniversary Amazon Exclusive Greedo figure

We are far from completists when it comes to The Black Series action figures, but as a big fan of the vintage Kenner Star Wars mini-action figures, particularly the early releases including the quirky representations of the cantina aliens, I could not resist this Amazon-exclusive version of Greedo. Released as part of the Black Series Lucasfilm 50th Anniversary collection, an existing sculpt is used, but he is re-colored in the style of the all-green Kenner version from the late 1970s.

Black Series LFL 50th Anniversary Amazon Exclusive Green Greedo figure

This is an instance where we will definitely keep the collectible carded. The vintage cardbacks with their great character photos are as nostalgic to me as the figures themselves – possibly even more so for the background characters that were released as action figures, because their imagery didn’t appear in a lot of other places as was the case for the main heroes and villains of the Original Trilogy Star Wars movies. He’s a great addition to display alongside the 12″ Gentle Giant Jumbo version and an example of the original 3.75″ Green Greedo (yeah, I army build the cantina aliens!)

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