SWTOR Alderaan Stronghold Preview

We both really enjoy the stronghold decoration component of Star Wars The Old Republic, so of course we were very excited when a new Alderaan stronghold location was recently announced. It’s been at the top of the list of most-requested stronghold locations among fans for ages, and even though we all know the eventual fate of the planet, that’s thousands of years later – no reason why we can’t enjoy it now 🙂
It was such a tease seeing the fleet stronghold directory update to include the new stronghold, but it’s not yet available to purchase. Unable to wait, we had to check it out on the public test server of course. On the PTS, the purchase and room unlocks were all free – but we’re currently saving up the 18 million credits it’s rumored to cost so we can unlock all the areas straight away.

The Alderaan stronghold is huge! It’s comparable to the Yavin IV or Rishi strongholds, with multiple buildings, wide open areas with starship hooks, and hidden bonus rooms as well. One particular aspect I like is the sheer number of indoor decoration hooks this stronghold has – the hooks even overlap in some places.
I really like the elegant ‘house’ elements of this stronghold, which feels like a refreshing change to the junk/ruin feel of the some of the recent stronghold designs. Not that I don’t love ancient ruins, but I do enjoy creating ‘home bases’ for my characters, with beds, living rooms, kitchens etc, which tends to suit the ‘city building’ stronghold style a little better.
The Alderaan stronghold has several ‘houses’ – I especially love the decorative windows looking out at snowy vistas and the amazing stained glass window. Outside, the scenery is just fantastic as well – gently falling snow, realistic looking clouds, and there’s even fish in the river!

Check out our video tour of the areas, rooms, and decorating hooks of the Alderaan stronghold below. Overall, we’re both really impressed, and can’t wait to unlock our own strongholds and get straight into decorating when this update goes live. At the moment, Rishi is the main base for my characters, but this Alderaan stronghold might take that over.
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvbFNcZ4QzA